1. Saturday night I headed to River Falls for our annual girls outing. Every time we go I am reminded why college was so much fun...and these girls are just as fun now as they were then.
We did get told my a bartender that we know that we are "officially old now, you know..." Whatever Pat. You're only as old as you feel, right?? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight???
2. Sunday Avery had dance pictures. She finally got to put on that costume she has been drooling over and begging to wear for the past two months. As I've said before, she does not sit well for me, so I had Rachel do her hair and make-up because she thinks its FUN. Seriously...we could do the EXACT same things to her and if I did it she would whine and scream, but for Rae she will sit and smile and giggle.
Ahhh...those lashes. She didn't get those from me.
Then she posed for me while we waited in line for pictures at the studio...

Of course we had to get one of her and her Brielle together. They had to wear mascara and Avery was amazed at how different Brielle's eyelashes that are normally so light look so dark and beautiful! They can't wait for their recital in June when they can wear their outfits again.
3. Beckett got strep for the second time in a month on Monday. Since the last throat culture was so fresh in his mind I told him that if he made it through it without too much crying I would get him a treat when we went to CVS to pick up his prescription. Since the Easter candy is out he immediately shouted PEEEEPS! when he saw them in the store.
Can you see him saying it? "PEEEEEEEEEPS!!" He missed school on Tuesday, but with spring break coming up we didn't want to run the risk of him getting anyone else sick and ruining any trips for any of our ECFE friends.
4. Its no secret that Beckett is obsessed with electronics just like his daddy. He always has at least one of our old and out of service phones in his pocket and is constantly taking our ipods whenever he finds them. I walked in to find him singing Katy Perry in the living room...
4. Its no secret that Beckett is obsessed with electronics just like his daddy. He always has at least one of our old and out of service phones in his pocket and is constantly taking our ipods whenever he finds them. I walked in to find him singing Katy Perry in the living room...
I love how a confident strong willed guy like him can pull off a hot pink ipod and sing Katy Perry without batting an eye!
5. Tuesday afternoon Tate had his Music Performance. Each class has their performance during the school day so they can have their own concert and you can see them up close. We loved it! He had given us specific instructions for weeks that we had to get there early so we could be in the front row, so he was ecstatic when he saw we were the first ones in line. I had to help him re-tuck his shirt right before showtime. I've never seen this kid so concerned with his outfit!
Tate had practiced his lines and knew them by heart, although he ended up reading from the script (as did the other kids even though I know a lot of them had theirs memorized, too!) which made them a bit less smooth than they sounded when he practiced, but overall he didn't let his nervousness get to him. We were so proud!
He was so into it we could hardly stand it. They were so cuuuute! There were many funny happenings, some that were planned and many that were not, but that made it even better. Here are our favorite parts...his two lines and the song where they all did the robot!
5. Tuesday afternoon Tate had his Music Performance. Each class has their performance during the school day so they can have their own concert and you can see them up close. We loved it! He had given us specific instructions for weeks that we had to get there early so we could be in the front row, so he was ecstatic when he saw we were the first ones in line. I had to help him re-tuck his shirt right before showtime. I've never seen this kid so concerned with his outfit!
Tate had practiced his lines and knew them by heart, although he ended up reading from the script (as did the other kids even though I know a lot of them had theirs memorized, too!) which made them a bit less smooth than they sounded when he practiced, but overall he didn't let his nervousness get to him. We were so proud!
He was so into it we could hardly stand it. They were so cuuuute! There were many funny happenings, some that were planned and many that were not, but that made it even better. Here are our favorite parts...his two lines and the song where they all did the robot!
When it was over they told us we could take our performers with us, so we headed to Dairy Queen to celebrate. Love you, Kiddo!