29 October 2010

1. We spent MEA weekend at the farm/cabin/Hector. We got to see both sets of grandparents and got a lot of good relaxing time.

I love these pics from the lake of the kids racing E to a huge pile of leaves...



I also love these of the kids in the Studebaker at Grandma & Grandpa Newman's house...



2. Tate made Grandma Sandy this picture at the farm this weekend and it cracked me up. She is a pretty "rocin" grandma!


3. Kara also happened to spend Friday night with us on a break home from Duluth. Avery and Beckett had a ball on her new computer with a photo session. I had to pick one that didn't make my children look like there was something wrong with them...you can do some fun and funky things on a Mac!


4. I have to say I wasn't ready for snow this week. Or the cold. Or the wind. But I figured since it was time to break out my sweaters I might as well teach Beckett how to remove dog hair from them.


5. My nephew Jackson made my week.


Rachel said to Jack, "Jackson, you're awesome."

Jack replies, "Mom, you're awesome, too, but not as awesome as Jessi."


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