Kas pretty much spoiled us while we were gone. She mowed the lawn, took out the garbage on garbage day, and even scrubbed my kitchen floor. We even came home to this on our garage door:

As lucky as we were, I think the one who really lucked out was Wriggs. She pretty much spoiled him the entire time we were gone. She even texted us this pic with the subject entitled "livin' the dream"...

...that's him LAYING ON HER BED. That is a no-no in our house, but I doubt it took much convincing to get him up there. It's a bit blurry because she snapped it with her phone. She couldn't actually get his head because it was laying on her body! Spoiled much? He even went to BL Days and a softball game with her. Poor Wrigley hasn't gotten this much attention since our kids were born!
2. I was scared to report this last week as a favorite part of my vacation because I wasn't sure it was going to stick, but it is now confirmed official. Beckett is POTTY TRAINED! Woop woop!
He insisted one day that he was done with diapers. I know, you're saying "he's almost three, it's about time." If you know my history with the other two they were both exactly three years and three months when they finally decided they wanted to listen to my plea, so I was expecting this to happen around Christmas. I feel like we just got a raise! I've been buying and changing diapers for the past 6 1/2 years straight {with two periods where I had two in diapers at the same time}. HA. LE. LUJAH. His favorite part of the day now involves picking out a pair of undies {most likely monkeys if they are clean} or his other favorite: "boxew bweefs". CA-UUUUTE!
3. On Wednesday Tate had his last games of the Nearball season. {Nearball is baseball, except the coaches pitch to the kids}. The season was full of laughs. Tate improved a ton...his personality is still more of a bird watcher during the games than a player, but that will all come.

He loved playing with one of his BFFs, Braxton.

2. I was scared to report this last week as a favorite part of my vacation because I wasn't sure it was going to stick, but it is now confirmed official. Beckett is POTTY TRAINED! Woop woop!
He insisted one day that he was done with diapers. I know, you're saying "he's almost three, it's about time." If you know my history with the other two they were both exactly three years and three months when they finally decided they wanted to listen to my plea, so I was expecting this to happen around Christmas. I feel like we just got a raise! I've been buying and changing diapers for the past 6 1/2 years straight {with two periods where I had two in diapers at the same time}. HA. LE. LUJAH. His favorite part of the day now involves picking out a pair of undies {most likely monkeys if they are clean} or his other favorite: "boxew bweefs". CA-UUUUTE!
3. On Wednesday Tate had his last games of the Nearball season. {Nearball is baseball, except the coaches pitch to the kids}. The season was full of laughs. Tate improved a ton...his personality is still more of a bird watcher during the games than a player, but that will all come.

He loved playing with one of his BFFs, Braxton.

Eric coached his team this year as well. He had such a great time with the kids and Tate sure loved that he did it. Here he is showing Tate how to lead off during the last game...
4. Kasey works a lot of overnights at Canterbury, which means she needs a few naps to get her though the day. This works out fabulously for Beckett, who would love nothing more than for Kasey to be his permanent personal nap buddy. This is not an uncommon sight on any given day in our house this summer...

5. Tate and I went on our Back To School date this week. My mom used to take each of us girls on "dates" when we were little...just a day out alone with Mom and I LOVED them. I have done this a few times with each of the kids and they seem to love it as much as I did.
Tate and I went to "Ramona and Beezus" {which I highly recommend}, shopped for school clothes, ate Panera in the car during a rain storm, and got all of his school supplies. I have decided I am going to try to always take each kid alone school shopping. It is so much less stressful and it is so nice to enjoy your kids one on one once in a while!
Tate and I went to "Ramona and Beezus" {which I highly recommend}, shopped for school clothes, ate Panera in the car during a rain storm, and got all of his school supplies. I have decided I am going to try to always take each kid alone school shopping. It is so much less stressful and it is so nice to enjoy your kids one on one once in a while!