1. I am not much of a camper. I mean, I did it with my church group a few times when I was younger, but beyond that I usually prefer a bed to an air mattress and tent. E grew up camping {mostly in a camper, but let's face it, we're not going THAT far as of yet} and really wanted to try camping for a weekend. After a successful Father's Day tenting episode in our backyard, I agreed. E broke out his 22 year old trusty tent last Friday and away we went!
We headed to Diamond Lake with the tent and the boat. The only thing I was worried about was how sleeping in the tent would go with the kids. Apparently that was the only think I SHOULDN'T have been worried about...that part was actually really fun. We laughed a lot while trying to fall asleep. The rest of the weekend however...well...yuck.
Friday night was really good {see below}. But Saturday/Sunday was kind of a disaster for three reasons.
ONE. We put the boat on Green Lake. Too much traffic. Too many waves. Kids didn't want to tube or ski. We swam a little and did manage to get the biggest wave we've ever had over our boat and soaked EVERYTHING in the boat, which was kind of funny. Except for the no dry towels part. But then...
TWO. Beckett took a nap on the boat and when he woke up he was acting extremely weird. He looked out of it and said he wanted to "fro up in a bag." Then he started to kind of pass out and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head. We couldn't keep him awake {and he couldn't have been tired because he had already had two naps that day}. E was worried he had sucked in carbon monoxide or something back by the motor where he was sleeping. Needless to say we got the boat out of the water ASAP, made a few frantic calls to my sister {sorry Rae for the scare!} while she googled and tried to figure out what was wrong with him, even made a 911 call when he got REALLY weird, then made it to the Willmar ER where they figured out he had dehydration and heat exhaustion. He perked up after they gave him some fluids and cooled him off, but he was pretty sick for the rest of the weekend and even into Monday. Here he is sleeping in the tent with his hospital bracelet on Saturday evening...

THREE. We decided just to make dinner and go to bed after the exhausting day. E and I did each drink one of the two beers we brought for ourselves as well. We even had a couple s'mores ...
After E made a 5 AM run to get Tylenol for Beckett, Beckett woke up at 7 the next morning and was hungry because he hadn't really eaten the night before {except for one bite of that s'more he's holding!}. I took him out of the tent with me only to discover someone STOLE OUR BRAND NEW COOLER along with all our food, and much to Beckett's disappointment our breakfast. I hope those underage idiots enjoyed the two beers they got from us.
Time to pack it up and call it a weekend.
2. Friday night being the only good night to speak of, we took our kids to the Little Crow Ski Show for the first time. This was a favorite thing to do growing up as well as a favorite date E and I used to go on when we first started dating.
Tate was especially enamored by the whole thing. He was amazed at the skiers. Avery loved the outfits and practiced "swivel skiing" all the way back to the car. E and I were most impressed with the drivers of the boats...they are talented!
After the ski show we topped the night off by trying the new "mini blizzards" with E's parents, Lindsey, Addie, and Livi. Um...why did it take 25 years to come up with this, huh Dairy Queen? Yum and genius.
3. Tate lost his first tooth at the end of the school year. My dad pulled that one out when Tate said he wanted it out...but it might not have been quite
ready to come out yet. So now that he had a second loose tooth he was less willing to let someone pull it out. Namely not Grandpa Keith.
He thought about it all the way home on Sunday and even called Rachel, who LOVES pulling out teeth and asked if she'd pull it out for him later in the week. Monday during the day, Kasey and Kara were hanging out at our house and couldn't stand the tooth hanging out of Tate's mouth. So Kasey held him down and yanked it out.
He pleaded with her to stop. She said to stop saying her name so that she didn't feel so bad. He actually bit her thumb and punched her...but I think I would have too. But she quickly yanked it out. He was FUMING. I told him to relax and go up to his room to cool off. After about 30 seconds I decided to go up and talk to him. I found him smiling at himself in the bathroom mirror. So all in all, he was mad at Kasey for about 1 minute total and then said he was glad to have it out.
The girls each paid him a dollar, too, which didn't hurt. That in addition to the 50 cents that cheap tooth fairy paid him made him one happy kiddo. =) And yes, this face is because he thinks that is his new smile so that people can see the "double hole" better.
4. We started the week bright and early Monday morning with Vacation Bible School. Tate and Aves are both attending and Beckett is my little assistant as I teach. The kids in my group have adopted him like a little mascot. It is pretty funny. The kids have had a great time...the only thing they have complained about was when we ran to the mall after we were done and Tate said "Why didn't we go home and change before we came here...we look ridiculous with our matching shirts." Ha! I didn't know that first grade boys were so into fashion. We had our program and ice cream social last night and will finish up with class today!
5. Monday night was Jackson Pete's birthday. We went to their house for pizza and a water fight to celebrate. I love that kid...he is spunky and hilarious. Here he is "gently" jumping into his sister's pool as he's been told to do...

I also especially adore this exchange between Uncle B and Tate...
Happy 4th Birthday, Petey!